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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Profile: Eric Bryant

Philosophical Counseling with an I Ching perspective; journalism infused with philosophical insights. Eric Bryant, of Bedminster, New Jersey, USA, is nothing if not eclectic: He is a musician, a writer, a philosopher, a religious scholar and Jung enthusiast, and his op-ed pieces view current events through the lens of ancient chinese wisdom and classical philosophy. He is also a Philosophical Practicioner, and a member of the American Philosophical Practicioners Association in the New Jersey/Greater New York City area. He is also the Director of Gnosis Arts in Bedminster, NJ. (Not to mention, he has full authors rights on this blog, granted gladly by yours truly!) Not a bad bio for a 33 year old. (Yikes, they are turning them out younger and younger!)

I first became acquainted with Mr. Bryant through his Philosophical Counseling and I Ching blog writings, and am honored to have him aboard. I would highly recommend anyone seeking deeper insights into their thinking and basic epistemic framework, to seek philosophical counseling ( which is superior, in many senses to psychological, but that is another blog post); and better yet, to seek it at the hands of one so well rounded and robust in thought and sensibilty as Eric Bryant. His full profile can be viewed by clicking on his name under "Contributors" listed on this blog, and an example of his fine writing style and poignant and insightful stance can be viewed at the following links:

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