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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Pics from Barack's Youth: Revealing the Lostness Which Formed an Inner Resolve


Fear not,  O child infirm!
There's no god dare harm a worm.
Have not thy portion;
have lost thy share?
Fear not,  'tis no defeat:
Lo!  on wings it rushes thee to greet.

~Ralph Waldo  Emerson 

The Child is Father of the Man:  Obama's Own Troubled Youth still exudes its energy,  calling out to others in the dialectical transference of reciprocal inspiration. . . The Swiss psychoanalyst and human pscyche scholar CG Jung once said that  a certain measure of alienation actually serves to make a youth become more wholly individuated.  This is turn serves as a sort of "transference hook"  for the hidden hopes and passions of others.  Kierkegaard says similar in his Journals.  Adversity in the formative years makes strong;  it is enobling.  I recall watching msnbc 's political news coverage the day Ted Kennedy endorsed then Illinois Senator Barack Obama in the primary season.  Chris Matthews would later remark that the electricity of Obama's energy as it filled the air and spanned across the crowds was palpable, and hearkened back to the days of Bobby Kennedy's presidential run.  

 Nietzsche spoke of that pain which in the end gives one "winged feet".  There is an awesome power associated with the lost child;  he who overcomes in western wilds to earn by his wits alone what others had lavished upon them as the Christ-child.  The author Nancy Friday,  herself a lost child,  said that she would rather be that,  than the Christ-child who has all handed to him by parents:  self-esteem,  love,  guidance.   If her readers wondered why,  Friday said,  it was simple:  The lost child,  once found,  comes into a golden inheritance which is fully his own. 

As I watched Barack Obama head toward the podium,  dark eyes flashing,  lanky legs taking wide strides,  a young male in the crowd cried out,  "I love you!".  Without missing a beat,  Obama turned his handsome head,  and called back in a clear,  firm voice,  "I love you,  too."  It was a stunning moment.  The fatherless generation had found a father in Obama,  himself a fatherless boy.  And a little child shall lead them. . . 


Hurlyburly said...

Fantastic post, one that hits close to home

(Ha! The arrogance of me, me and the president, we're so alike!!)

SM Kovalinsky said...


Under New Influence