Boomer Generation Stands Where Howe and Strauss Indicated, fulfilling the Fourth Turning Scenario predicted by these 2 Historians and Generational American Scholars In my trawls through the Internet, I am always amazed at the confirmations I find - the election of Barack Obama as our 44th President being a huge one - of Howe and Strauss' predictions in their 1998 epic book, The Fourth Turning: America's Next Rendesvouz with Destiny. One of their predictions would be that the Baby Boomers - born after WW II - would be hated as a cohort. These are just a couple of pieces among hundreds I have found: Here
and here Harrison's book, Why Baby Boomers Suck is available
Barack Obama: The Post-Boomer who rescues America from the Boomer Mess
There is a blog called "Die, Boomer, Die" which I find vastly entertaining:
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