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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Blago may be correct about witch hunt

One of the federal charges against Blagojevich is his 2005 program to get low-cost drugs from Canada    I am slowly beginning to understand beseiged Illinois Governor Blagojevich's claims that there is a witch hunt against him,  that he is being attacked for being for health care causes,  that he has been set up,  that he must identify with great men,  and hang  on to the idea of Martin Luther King.  The man will soon be without home,  salary and position,  and facing prison as well.  He refuses to show up at his own impeachment trial. 

The more details emerge about his case,  the more I am getting the sense of a maverick,  someone perhaps too wildly passionate,  but with strong Democratic ideals,  and who may rightly feel scapegoated.  After all,  many have admitted that the attempts to "sell the senate seat of Barack Obama"  are par for the course in Congress;  that he was taped without his knowledge,  and that we all would be embarrassed by weeks of our words being recorded without our knowledge or consent. 

He is eccentric,  but there is an authenticity about him.  He is naiive.  His candor is almost child like.  I feel sorry for him.   In the December 17 edition of the Huffington Post,  journalist Mario Correa points out that Hillary Clinton far outstripped Blago in her "wheeling and dealing" with Obama.  The difference,  Correa said, is that Blago was too much of a "moron"  to be subtle about it.  But is this the case?  Can a "moron" really be elected Governor of Illinois?  The man represented Chicago in Congress,  and has a Judicial Doctorate from one of the top American Universites (NorthEastern). 

From seeing his interviews,  I would say that he may have Asperger Syndrome.    A subset of autism,  this complex syndrome is marked by high IQ and achievement,  fused with a child like inability to dissemble.   In many ways he reminds me of my deceased husband:  child-like,  handsome,  with an adolescent voice when he is nervous;  basically  extremely good at heart;  intelligent,  but with something slightly off-kilter,  which can be mistaken for stupidity or arrogance.    When he appeared on the View, co-host Joy Behar could not refrain from tousling his hair.  When he appeared before the press in his track suit,  jogging,  which they found extremely irritating,  he seemed to me to be a 12 year old boy saying,  "Look at me,  I am doing what Americans are supposed to do;  I am health minded and optimistic."

  His wife also has something very child-like about her.  Husband and wife both look and seem far younger than their respective ages of 42 and 52.  From what I have seen and read of her,  she also displays an unusual child-like candor.  She has championed good causes,  and worked hard,  but like her husband,  appears  unable to dissemble.  It is a known fact that persons with Asperger syndrome are drawn to eachother.  They tend to look far younger than their years.  They are often mistaken for arrogant or unscrupulous.   And it is a syndrome which often goes undiagnosed.  On the FBI tapes,  Mrs. Blagojevich swears and shouts impatiently,  like an hysterical teenager.   As I said,  I feel increasingly sorry for both of them.

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