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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Obama Silently Watches. . .

Pre-Inauguration,  A Silent Obama Watches Gaza Eruption from the Sidelines. . .

This OpEd piece from the DC Examiner: 
and this from the Boston Herald online,  "Arabs Denounce Obama's Silence":

Israeli offensive against Hamas brings little criticism from US officials. 
As is my custom,  I asked the Tarot cards what Obama's respond to Israeli-Hamas Gaza crisis would be,  and received the Chariot card.  In its positive aspects,  this would be interpreted as Obama's taking charge,  with rightreous confidence.  On the negative side,  it could depict him acting rashly and impetuously.  It might also reveal that he is faced with Israel and Hamas both acting in determined and rash manner (which he obviously is facing).  But the outcome remains unseen,  as is the way in all things in this life. . . We shall see anon. . .

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