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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Gore Vidal and Provincetown of the 1940s

Many believe that Provincetown had its hey day as a gay community in the 1970s,  but I have always been intrigued with the spirit of gay Provincetown in the 1940s,  when Gore Vidal,  Donald Windham, and Tennessee Williams were young and just entering the world of literary fame and glamor.

Williams wrote some of his best plays and short stories up in the rugged and wild Cape Cod town,  in the outer regions where the sand dunes meet the stars.  Vidal became by turns his nemesis, friend,  editor,  comrade in arms,  and a fellow gay man in a time where the closet of the subculture was their venue.

Here's to remembering those magical summers,  when brilliant and innovative minds were joining forces up in the gay mecca.

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