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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Blogosphere Still Buzzes With Theories of McCanns' Guilt

I have of late been looking at forums from the UK and USA blogospheres,  and have found a plethora of forums which are vehemently and earnestly proclaiming that the McCanns covered up the accidental death of their daughter,  Madeline,  2 years ago.  It is nothing short of stunning,  truly,   the material which is covered on these blogs and forums,  and how a multitude,  their name legion,  have lifted up their voices in cyberspace-outrage at the global deception and swindle of these 2 British doctors.  As I have now read several interviews with the Portugese homicide detective who was removed from the case,  I must say his own repeated  assertions that these allegations are true,  is compelling.  There is one blog post in particular, on the site, The  McCann Gallery,  posted by "Himself" ,  which was composed of  the most lofty rhetoric and soaring prose I have encountered in some time: In an open letter to the couple,  the author assured  them that justice will be served,  at some time in the future,  though it take generations.  It was a piece of sublime literary force, and seemed a summation of all which came before,  and will come after regarding this case...
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