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Monday, July 12, 2010

NOM launches summer tour; Freedom to Marry to respond in kind | The Bilerico Project

National Organization for MarriageImage via Wikipedia
Culture Wars heat up again July 2010

While the National Organization for Marriage (headed by Maggie Gallagher, and based in Washington, DC) plans its "Summer for Marriage: One Man, One Woman" campaign, Freedom to Marry, the gay -marriage friendly organization, is planning a campaign of its own, to counter-balance.

From Courage Campaign:

Maggie Gallagher, the Chair of NOM, was beside herself last Thursday after a federal court judge ruled that the "Defense of Marriage Act" (DOMA) was unconstitutional:
"Does this federal judge want to start another culture war? Does he really want another Roe. v. Wade?... Only an incompetent defense could have lost this case. We expect to win in a higher court."

NOM launches summer tour; Freedom to Marry to respond in kind | The Bilerico Project
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