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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Eternal Recurrence in the 21st Century : From Nietzsche, to Gurdjieff, to Peake

In the 19th century, Nietzsche, in his desire to escape Platonism and Christianity,  was gripped by the idea of the eternal recurrence of this earthly life,  which binds us to be loyal to itself,  and negates the transcendent and static realms of the Platonist Ideal and the Christian eternal heaven.

For the early part of the 20th century, Gurdjieff's idea of a spiral of time replaced the idea of the same exact things and events going forever in Nietzschean circles.  Giles Deleuze,  transforming Nietzsche and Kierkegaard,  expanded on this spiral  - as did, to a lesser degree,  Maurice Nichols  -  and wrote Difference and Repetition.  

For the 21st century,  we receive the eternal recurrence of binary mind theorist Anthony Peake,  the British author who gives us "the Daemon"  of his dyad of Eidolon and Daemon:  Who takes Nietzsche and Gurdjieff, along with Kierkegaard and Deleuze,   to undreamt of heights with 21st century brain science, quantum physics , NDE studies  and the world-as -Bohmian IMAX.  His American counterpart, Eric Steinhart,  does a parallel study of John Hick and recurrence as resurrection and replication.

History has been kind:  In each epoch, we have the appropriate teachers to keep alive the idea,  born in antiquity, and cherished by Pythagorus and Hericlitus,  of eternal recurrence.

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