Rodney Collin (1909-1955) begins his famous work with a quote from Nietzsche's - and my own - favorite philosopher of antiquity, Heraclites.
It is a quote which beautifully synopsizes Anthony Peake's eidolon/daemon dyad, and his "Cheating the Ferryman" thesis: so much so, that its beautiful prose seems etched into his sober countenance above:
Life is a lyre
for its tune is death
one living the other's death
and dead the other's life
. . . living and dead are the same, and so
with wake and sleep. . . the former become the latter, and so...
I perish! Give then that draught, of Memory. . .
~Heraclitus, On the Universe
Anthony Peake, who happens to be my favorite binary mind/afterlife theorist from Great Britain, and whom I have the high honor of knowing personally, is embarking on the research and writing of books #3 and 4 now.
I know that he is planning to engage in a study of OBE (out of body experience) and lucid dreaming.
It would seem to me that Rodney Collin, and his Theory of Eternal Life, would very much bolster and reinforce Peake's Cheating the Ferryman theory, while tying those two subjects together into a meaningful and coherent whole, a platform upon which Peake's theory could stand firm (although it stands firm enough as it is).
Collin delves into the molecular and electronic worlds, of which the Tibetan Book of the Dead makes reference. Time dilation, hugely important in Peake's Cheating the Ferryman theory, is gone into in tandem with the ideas of OBE and lucid dreaming being mechanisms of the after death state.
A treatise of death, of human life and consciousness, and an epistemology of the experience of the landscape of transitory realms experienced by the soul's consciousness in the months after death, weaves itself into a phenomenology in Collin's work, echoing Hamlet's own intuition:
and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
As within the movie Inception, the "dream within a dream" which comprises human existence - and which if one loves Peake may become one more Peakian landscape filled with Peakian characters - the ongoing investigation into the realm of dreams and the meaning for human consciousness continues unabated, and the film is yet another timely cultural sign that eternal life has hit its social stride; has become psychologically and scientifically sophisticated, as it were.
In any case, I hope Tony Peake refers to Collin in his new work!
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