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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Human Psychology May Play a Bigger Part Than Economics in Obama's Ascension

I have been reading  "Roger's Rules"  essays from July to the present on Pajama's Media,  about Obama and his radical redistribution ideology.  The most recent post is entitled,  Acts of Retribution:  There Will be Blood:  Obama's New Best Seller.    We are to believe that this radical has "come in peacefully,  and taken the kingdom by flattery"  as is depicted in the prophesy of Daniel 4.  But there is something deeper at work here;   something that, had it been  attended to in a timely fashion,  would have curtailed this present moment.   It is human psychology.  D'Souza had spoken in the early '00s of a settling in of a mood of "despair"  among all those who in bewilderment were forced to admit they would "never make it".    This is the crux of it.  A democracy cannot have vast numbers of its citizens in such a mood.  Obama's "radicalism"  and desire to avenge himself on the wealthy was not lost on these people,  not by any means.  Despite what the author of the Pajama's Media pieces would have us believe,  the ascension of Barack Obama was no accident of chance.  He did not victor and prosper because people failed to grasp the radical nature of what he was proposing.  They listened,  and listening,  heard.   A collective mood of despair  is what opened the door to the revenge play that is unfolding.

 You invited this wrath,  you opened the door to the coming anarchy;  you beckoned to this fate, by fiddling like Nero while Rome burned,  and you have no one to blame but yourselves.  Howe and Strauss  -  so astute,  select,  subtle and profound  -   way back in '97,  in The Fourth Turning:  An American Prophesy  had clearly envisioned such a moment.  A return to the middle,  with a vengance:  a radical reform,  a turning on all that was previously tolerated,  a frightening uniformity  ( the rise of the Obama Youth Corps).  Where were all when they were speaking,  warning of such a moment?  As in the days of Noah,  they ate and drank and married,  until the flood tides rose, and swept all away;  so it will be with this generation. . .

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